Saturday, April 9, 2011

April Already?

So it seems that I have failed in my resolution to keep our blog updated. It seems that it has been a whirlwind spring and the last thing I have wanted to do is sit at the computer and think. [Though I am kicking myself for not keeping track of so many things, especially Zoe's milestones]. We have continued to be so blessed. Our kids are healthy and happy and we enjoy our time together each day. Derick is a nonstop chatterbox and if is not asking a million and one questions will just narrate everything he sees and ask "Why did you say that?" after just about every statement/comment we make. Yet I do know that is how he is getting so smart...constantly learning/absorbing all that is going on around him. He has been playing soccer the last couple months and really seems to enjoy it. His daddy has been assisting the coach and even running a couple practices which has sparked an interest for Daddy to find an adult league to play. [Will be fun to have Derick watch Daddy in action and see if he can put into play all that he was advised to do :) ] Derick has one month of preschool left and then will be gearing up for Kindergarden in the fall. Zoe and I will really miss him, but I know he is ready and thrives on the social interaction and learning of school. Zoe is growing so much and it is amazing to me how the mental development emerges at this age. Derick was such a talker at an early age that it seems he was so much bigger when he turned a year, yet I know Zoe barely has a chance sometimes to get a word in yet is right in line where she should be. She still does many of her baby signs and is selectively verbal. Every now and again she says something perfectly clear then won't say it again. Although she has been walking just over 2 months she still holds her hands up as if someone is hold her hands so it looks cute/babyish as she toddles around. Her hair is getting so think/long that it hangs in her eyes and she won't really keep a barrete or headband on...but am sure that we will be doing more pigtails soon. Zoe has been in swim class the last 6 weeks or so and after protesting/screaming the first 3-4 times, she now has adapted and is doing well. This week she even attempted to flip herself over in the water for the survival float, yet I know we still have a ways to go. I am happy to have made it thru the first trimester with #3. I am starting to feel somewhat normal again not feeling exhausted all the time. It has been challenging keeping up with the other two and the rest of life's demands, but I am sure we will adapt. Due to a few concerns from the Dr we have had a couple of ultrasounds and have another one scheduled for this week. Although the tech guessed the sex last week, she should be able to be more certain this coming that will be fun to be able to start thinking of names and planning the room shuffles. Here is a sneak peek of #3.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards are going in the mail this morning. Every year I have this great intention of writing a cute/clever letter to share our year of news with all our family and friends. Yet time seems to get the best of me. This year I attribute it to doing so many last minute Christmas pictures for various families. I have really enjoyed it and always love getting to see the end results, yet started to despise the fact I was on the computer every night whereas I would rather be enjoying a holiday movie on the couch with my hubby! So sorry about the lack of letter in the mail, but feel free to check on our blog throughout the year for updates. Have a most blessed Christmas and remember and reflect on the words of this song... "Joy to the World...the Lord has come. Let Earth receive her king. Let every heart prepare Him room."

Hope you enjoy the pictures and thoughts we were thinking of you :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Almost Christmas!!

I can't believe it is almost Christmas...less than a week away. Ricky often starts telling us in May that it is almost Christmas, yet now it truly is!! I love to hear Derick's countdown everyday as he checks his advent calender. It is the cutest thing... first thing he wakes up in the morning and walks into my room and most often before even saying Good Morning, he shouts..."Mom, I get to open another present!!" I am usually just coming to at that point and once am coherent enough tell him yes to run and get it. My mom has this wonderful tradition of having a gift for everyday in December along with a note to encourage spiritual thought/growth. Last year he truly took all the words to heart and listened as I would read each day. This year he seems to be a little more anxious to see what is in the present, yet knows he must wait patient until he hears the message. Then he tells me just how many days are left. And sometimes even reminds me that he is almost 4 1/2...that after Christmas he'll be 4 1/2 and that Zoe is zero and half, but after Christmas she will be getting closer to being 1 year old. Way too many numbers that early in the morning, but it is all fun.

Zoe just decided she was tired of sitting still this week. Considering she is nearly 10 months I guess we have had it pretty easy going. She has always been happy to just sit and watch all around her, occasionaly scooting a couple feet to grab a toy. Yesterday she made her way across the now we must childproof...gates, locks, etc. Yet in her walker it is a very different story...she RUNS! Tonight she was playing hide and seek with Derick running around the kitchen island and she would just squeal and chase after him. Oh how I love to watch them play. And while I know deep in my heart that I love them both so dearly, watching them play and love each other overflows my heart with love more for each of them.

Derick and Zoe with their cousins Taylor and Katie.

We have really tried to enjoy all that Christmas preparation brings. We look forward to it all year and then it seems that it always goes so fast. So the kids and I enjoyed pajama day at least once a week for the last month...just a day to stay home and hang out without all the hustle and bustle. I love to chase them around with my camera....Some would say torture them with pictures...poor Zoe. When I was making Derick's Baby Book a few weeks ago (I know...better late than never!) I realized how many candid pics I have of him doing everything, yet Zoe I have so very few. I have a ton of beautiful posed pics of her, yet in my stubbornness of only wanting to photograph in "good light" I don't bring out the camera near as maybe that will be a New Year resolution for me :) So here are a couple... Derick ran his first race yesterday... a 1K. We were so proud of him...he ran the whole time and gave it all he had! I wish I had a picture of him running but as I took my camera out of the bag to catch Ricky in his 5K race I dropped it and the lense broke :( I cried. Then I looked up and saw Zoe rolled down a little hill in the stroller. Thankfully some kind people grabbed it about 20 feet away. Then I cried again for having such a bad mommy moment!

But here she is happy having some "girlfriend baby" time while waiting to visit Santa .


Derick looks so cute with his glasses...yet as silly as it sounds, it seems he is so much more grown up with them!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Visit

We enjoyed our visit to Kingman. It is always nice to get away and relax and enjoy time with family.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Tradition Started...and couple of Sad Moments

Today was the first day in many weeks that we had no where we had to I busted out the Christmas PJ's for the kids and we had a fun pajama day. It started by me wanting to get some cute pictures of them together then Derick and I decided we are going to try and do it once a week until Christmas. The house has been decorated for a week and the weather is finally in the 60s (so nice and cool for us--actually turned the heat on) so it just feels so "cozy". Every year it seems the season just goes so fast...before we know it we are taking the tree down and trying to find space for new toys all the while wondering where the time has gone. Well NOT this year, for I am determined to truly enjoy it. All the shopping is done, gifts are wrapped, etc. All that is left is to do some baking and enjoy the time with our loved ones. The best way for us to do that is to have PJ day to just hang out pressure to be somewhere or major chores for the day...just simply BE and ENJOY. For I know how time is so precious and I want to treasure these days with my kids, especially the excitement and wonder of all Christmas brings.

As we decorated the tree last week, I hung up ornaments with so many favorites include the ornaments I have collected on our travel adventures as well as the little picture frames of Derick each year. Wow hard to believe this is his fifth Christmas. Zoe being almost 9 months now loves to look at the ornaments on the tree (and eat what she can get ahold of)...Oh and how she loves to dance to the music...well more like bounce up and down, but oh so cute. So we are filled with so many happy moments when we relish our time and our blessings.

At one point today Derick started gathering all his puppets and stuffed animals. These were special to him and once upon a time he just couldn't sleep without. There were usually at least 6 of them and heaven forbid one would get lost in the middle of the night. He would sit up on his bed screaming at the top of his lungs. We would run it wondering what terrible thing would be wrong, only to have him tell us that he lost one of his baby giraffes. Well I asked Derick what he was doing with all of them. He informed me he didn't need them anymore so was going to take them to his Nama's house and give them to her. I know he hadn't actually slept with them in a couple months, but thought it was cute they were still all lined up on a table in the corner. I advised him that maybe sister would want them when she got bigger. Then without any further conversation he carried them all into her room and put them in her little canvas tote bin. That was least for him. When he is done with something, time to move it out. Maybe it is a boy thing?? I, on the otherhand had an internal sigh of sadness wondering how he could let go of something so easily he once held so dear. [Sad Moment.] I then asked Derick if I could put a book on his head to keep him from growing so fast. He said, "No Mom. I have to get big so I can be a quarterback. You can't stop me from growing." Isn't that the cold, hard truth.

Then a couple hours later when Zoe awoke from her 2nd nap I found her standing up and leaning way too far over her crib. She often would sit up and pull herself to her knees, but hadn't really been standing up much. So no more holding on to the idea of her being so small either, as she is growing right before our eyes and time to face the music and lower the crib. [Sad Moment.]

Yet I am so thankful that my children are growing healthy each and every day and if I keep my intended tradition of PJ day once a week...I still have at least 4 more of them to look forward to :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Growing Up

Derick looking so grown up when he dresses "nice". I love that he goes in his closet everyday and dresses himself. Well most days. Every now and again he gets upset when I tell him he doesn't match, but overall he does a great job!

Zoe sporting her brother's cool shades. She is thinking harder and harder about the idea of crawling but hasn't taken it upon herself to actually do it :) [Am happy as keeps MY life that much easier to know she will be in the same spot if I have to leave the room for a minute or two]

Sunday, October 31, 2010

our lil pumpkin

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rickys pumpkins this year :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Derick sportin his new outfit from catalog shoot

So Derick was one of the kids chosen for the catalog shoot. He was a little excited about it when he found out he was scheduled to shoot with one of his best friends, but then due to the major rainstorm we had last night they shuffled the schedule around and he didn't know anyone. There he was putting on strange clothes (this outfit but also a cowboy hat, boots, beltbuckle, and kercheif tied around his neck to look like a bandit) in a strange place (the Goldfield Ghost Town) by strange people (all who spoke French) and taken over to a mock jail...with some acting cowboys doing a shootout about 100 ft away. as I stop to think from his perspective I can understand why he was a little nervous!! I had to stay out of sight with the other parents as to not distract the kids. But when all was said and done he said he had fun and got some new clothes out of the deal (although maybe a little too white or nice for a 4yr old boy). But we will be excited to see the results when the spring catalog comes out for the company. If you want to keep a look out you can see their website at: Should be interesting!

Derick tryin on boots and hat to get ready for western style foto shoot :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

good morning :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My new haircut :) A little more layered than I anticipated but fun to have something new and fresh

A New Experience

derick ready for audition

A friend had advised an agent was looking for some kids for a clothing catalog shoot and Derick fit the criteria so I decided to send in his picture. He had his "audition" for it today. He was so cute...he had wanted to know what kind of things they may ask him and wanted to practice what he would say. The agent had advised a few things they may talk to him about. As we were walking in I asked him if they asked about is family what would he say. He replied, "I will tell them I have a sister Zoe, but that she isn't orange." I tried not to laugh and said he could leave the orange part off as if they didn't watch Sesame Street they may not understand. He also had a Circus Train song prepared in case they wanted him to show how he could sing as well as all his favorite things to do. Needless to say he walked in they asked him to put on one of their outfits and took a poloroid of him, gave him a shirt and said that was all. When we left he said, "Mom that was a million fast and they didn't ask me anything." An interesting experience nonetheless and it was fun spending some time focusing just on Derick!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Derick -- 4 years

Oh little Derick. He has so many funny things he says and precious things he does that I try and remember and kick myself for not writing things down because I do forget. When he turned 4 and I took both he and Zoe in together for their checkups they were both due for shots. I told him he would get his first so he could show sister he could be brave. The nurse gave him his shots and he held back the tears pretty well. It was evident they were there but they did not stream down the cheeks--he really did great! Next was Zoe's turn. Of course as soon as they poked her she began to cry. Then Derick BURST into tears and shouted..."I am only crying because she is crying. I am so sad for Zoe!" It was comical. I actually laughed out loud and almost couldn't stop. They were both so emotional I knew they wouldn't even notice so why try to hide it. Even the nurse was like "Come on buddy, you did great for yours...what's the matter?"

As we have started talking about Christmas I have started probing what Derick might want. [He got a fishing pole last year from Santa and we had gotten one for his daddy.] He tells me that we should ask for a fishing pole for me so we can all go fishing togeth. I naturally asked "What about sister?" He said she didn't need one and "We can just turn on the monitor and leave her sleeping". Hmmm...not so sure we will get reception that far :)

Have I mentioned Derick's LOVE for video games? We decided to get him the Wii for his birthday. I really had wanted to hold off for awhile, but in the heat of the AZ summer when we are trapped inside there is really only so much to do. So we thought it would be another outlet/active activity to occupy some of his time. I was kind of thinking the newness would fade away but we still have to pick and choose the days and times we allow him to play or he would be glued to it most of the day. Yet he is very respectful and knows if he goes over his alloted time he will lose his priveleges. There have even been a few times he shuts it off on his own and tells me he has been playing too much. I do have to admit I love how great of a bargaining chip it has become to encourage good behavior...maybe not the ideal way or working things, but it has worked wonders in this stage of life.

Yesterday I received a comment that left me feeling very conflicted. As I am cleaning the house to prepare for our church small groups arrival when Derick tells me "Mom I like school better than being at home." I was a little disheartened and immediatly took it personally thinking he doesn't like spending time with me, but yet could never tell that to my 4 yr old. Instead I chose to respond by telling him how happy I am that he loves school and having so many new friends to play with, and also told him I was sorry I had a very busy day and couldn't play with him as much as I would like. Then a few hours later I saw a sign on a church billboard talking about God always has time to listen to His children. Another dagger to the heart. In the NONSTOP chatter of his 4 yr old world I often do the "Yeah, Yeah" and sometimes just repeat the last few words so he knows I have been listening but am sometimes am not doing a very good job at "hearing" him.

Speaking of school...he does love it. Everyday he comes into my room and wakes me up by asking...what is today? What are we doing I get to go to school? If the answer is anything other than school he tells me he doesn't like it as much but ok, but when does he get to go to school again? It is wonderful and he has such an eagerness to learn. He has learned that when you go into a new situation where you don't know any other people it is an opportunity to make new friends. So he has made some new friends. The first month he knew the names of all the girls and one of the boys. His sweet personality and spirit is probably a draw to some of the girls rather than the wild and crazy boys his age. I am actually working in his class tomorrow so am looking forward to seeing the class dynamics and his friends :) So will try and give an update sooner that later. I do so love my boy and love to hear from all who spend time with him of how sweet and smart he is. So when he is a little more sensitive to movies, cartoons, or not wanting to be super agressive toward other kids I hope we learn to nurture his gifts as he grows and ventures more into the 'real world' and school next year.

Zoe--catch up to 7 months

So I find myself feeling guilty that I have not been faithful about keeping this up...mostly for Zoe's sake as I was so faithful at recording what Derick would do on a week to week basis...or at the very least month by month. I also find that I have so many more professional looking pictures rather than just snapshots of 'life' so will work on that too.

Ahhh...where are we now...Zoe is 7 months. (So have missed the last 3...ah yi yi) She continues to be such a happy sweet girl. She started sitting up on her own the last month or so which is so freeing for both her and us. She loves to sit and play trying to reach for the toys surrounding her, but if reaches too far topples over. Her first two teeth made an appearance Aug 29th. Her nose has been running off and on the last couple weeks that I am thinking the top will show soon, but no evidence of them yet. So we are enjoying the little grins as she jolts her bottom jaw forward and flashes her pearly whites.

One of my favorite things she does is "sing" herself to sleep as we are driving. It's more like a combination of humming and screaming "Aaaahhhhh" or "Eeeeeeehhhh" then her head tips up and she passes out. Another thing she loves is to be tossed into the air or to be "roughhoused" a little. It's funny how we seemed to treat her more gently since she is a girl and just started realizing how much she loves to rough and tumble...I mean the girl immediately laughs and lights it will be so fun to see how this aspect unfolds as she grows. Her daddy thinks she will be pretty athletic and not as cautious or sensitive as Derick has been. [Although they still set each other off...when one cries the other often follows suit purely out of sympathy.]

Her love of laughter is becoming more evident all the time. She will giggle so easily...especially at her daddy and brother. The smiles they have are so contagious that she starts up "Haaahaahaa" before squealing in delight.

She started her babyfood solids and seems to really like most of it but definitely favors the fruits and meat dinners over the veggies (exception-sweet potatoes). When I given her some sample table food fare she sort of shudders and spits it seems to have a texture thing going on.

Zoe truly is a a blessing and already touches so many lives at her young age by the joy she exudes. In the church nursery they have told us she is the comedian in the room always laughing and smiling. In the store I have heard multiple times people say "Thank you for that smile. You have made my day." At the Dr's office...and on and on...I love her joy. I am hoping/praying this is her personality (just like her daddy to have such a joyful heart).

I have 'tortured' in the taking of many pictures, dressing her up in tutus, putting her in baskets and bowls...I am hoping to get some new pics of her up soon :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

4 Months and 4th of July

Zoe is growing, growing, growing. She weighed in at 13lb 2oz, and was 24.25" long at her 4 month appointment. She was in the 25-50% for both. Derick and his daddy were both sick at the time...Ricky with a cold and Derick with pinkeye so we delayed in getting her shots as I was afraid she was fighting the same things. Sure enough she ended up getting both. Nonetheless she seems to have recovered fairly well and we are working to get her back into her sleep habits. While she was sick she was back to waking up every 3 hours...which I am so over! Then she went back to 8-9 at least that is manageable...however I would LOVE to get back to the 10-12 hours! At her appointment, her Dr. asked me if she was rolling over. I said, "No and I really haven't even worked with her on it." The dr. said that we didn't want her to be delayed in that area. I thought to myself that I don't want her on the move yet, as that changes more just laying her on the bed or changing table while I grab something or whatever. But feeling guilty about it after we got home I started showing her what to do...yet I was the one doing all the work while she just stared at me with her big funny.

While I loved, loved, loved Derick through all stages, I failed to appreciate the simplicity of the baby stage (well between the lack of sleep and constant teething I was in a fog). Now I treasure the time knowing how fast it all goes. I do have to say how much I LOVE the 4 month old stage. It's like Zoe just can't smile big enough. You just make eye contact and her whole face lights up and she smiles with her whole body and being. She kicks her legs and flails her arms so excitedly. Just this morning at 530am I decide I better change her diaper before I lay her back down and I keep telling myself...don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact. I go to the extreme of pretty much keeping my head turned. Yet seeing this sweet girl just laying there so intently smiling and seeking out my eyes I can't help but lock her gaze and give her a quick smile. Thankfully she did lay back down and settle very quickly.

We celebrated the 4th by staying home. How exciting does that sound? Actually it was great. The city had a fireworks show less than 1/2 mile away which meant that all we had to do was sit with our neighbors across the street to see the show. It was especially nice that I could lay Zoe down in her bed and keep the monitor on. Derick could go in and out of the house for bathroom, snacks, and drinks. The show included many of the loud booming sounds, and I was sure this would wake up Zoe. She would stir a little but go back to sleep. When the show was over and it was quiet is when she started to wake up (go figure!). I could movement on the monitor camera and heard crying. I figured she had her arm stuck in the crib slat...something she has begun doing even with the bumper on. I went into her room and found that she had rolled over for the first time on her own and she didn't know what to do. Last night she did it again. I am remembering another reason I didn't want her to do this yet.

This was Derick's first 4th of July, as he could never stay awake late enough that we never bothered to take him somewhere...and last year we were moving out of our house on the 4th. I think he enjoyed the fireworks for what he saw of them. He was so busy running around with the neighbor kids and his cousins. He would stop and look up every now and again. The finale did capture all the kids attention though...they stopped and just stared up at the was fun to watch him.

I can't believe he is 2 days away from being a 4yr old. I have the day to finish preparing for his party tomorrow. Will give an update on him more next week and also post some pictures then.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Some new pictures

Our sweet little girl...

Had they been closer in age one would think they are twins! Funny when I asked Derick who all these babies were, he said "They are the same mommy..." I had to point out that he was the baby in the middle picture :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Chicken Camp Pictures

It sounds like they are having fun at Chicken Camp. Here are a few pictures I have received. I love that she even made him an "official" Tshirt! He comes home tomorrow...can't wait to see him. I am hoping we don't have issues getting retrained after being a little spoiled at Nama's house :) I can't wait to hear some of his stories. My mom said he even took a nap one day and also slept til 915am yesterday...!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Chicken Camp

Derick is gearing up for his first 'vacation' to my mom's house. They are calling it Chicken she has something like 14 chickens and Derick LOVES them. While we were up visiting over Memorial Day weekend, I think he spent half the time in the chicken coop...either looking for eggs, feeding them, or holding them. The chickens are extrememly tolerant to let a 3 yr old pick them up time and time again! She has even created a special invite including the agenda for each day...quite cute. I tried to copy and past it here but for whatever reason can't seem to make it work. My favorite is that the final day they will "celebrate a successful end of Chicken Camp by doing the Chicken Dance." So needless to say I have been trying to give him a head start by teaching him the moves. He seemed to solidify more when I could show him some You Tube videos of what it looks like. I'll have to try and post a little video later.

I am going to miss him as it will definitely be more quiet around here. But I know he is so excited about it and will have fun. He hasn't been away from us this long since our Hawaii trip a couple years ago. It just happened to work out that my mom was going to be in town leaving Wednesday and my sister was going to my mom's house this worked out perfect that he could have transportation both directions. And I do have some goals to get organized, do some cleaning, maybe update my photography blog. Hopefully Zoe will cooperate and do some nice long naps for me during the day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

3 Months and more 3 year old stories

It's hard to believe Zoe is 3 months now. It seems that the time goes so fast and while I enjoy each milestone, part of me is a little sad my baby is growing so quickly and my little boy keeps reminding me that "I am a big boy now mom...I am almost four. And four is big, but six is really big." I think I was in such a sleep deprived daze most of Derick's first year of life (understandable since the boy was NOT a good sleeper until he was about 2 1/2.) Yet since Zoe is such and awesome sleeper (about 10 hours a night--praise the Lord!) and I am not in that same tired state...I treasure my days with my kids. It's kind of funny that I feel I almost forgot about the stage she is in. I remembered the newborn stage, then in my mind remembered Derick sitting up playing with toys on a mat. I mentally skipped over this stage where the baby pretty much has to be held, in the swing, bouncy, or something as they can't do much yet. Yet the pure joy of their smiling faces and willingness to engage socially makes it all worth it and is so rewarding.

Derick continues to crack me up...but not always at the ideal moments to laugh:

-A few weeks ago he was acting up. As I was punishing him and sending him to his room he tells me that he needs cold water. Knowing he already had a water bottle by his bed, I told him too bad and to drink what he had. He started telling me..."When I am big and Kurt Warner and my dad is 'that other guy' and we play for the can't watch."
-Ricky convinced Derick to go with him to the man store (Lowes or Home Depot) by advising him they could also stop at WalMart to ride the motorcylce [a video game in the arcade there]. Ricky said he only had $1 so he could only do 2 rides and made sure Derick knew what he was saying..only 2 rides. Derick replied..."Yes daddy, cause you have to save the other money for poker." [side note--Ricky had gone to play poker the previous night with some work friends for the first time, yet the guilt that the thought his 3yr old son thought he was holding out on him led him to provide his son with 2 additional motorcycle rides :)]

-With all the hype of Derick talking about turning 4, I asked him if he knew when his birthday was. Derick tells me "July". I reply, "Yes, but do you know what day?" Derick says, "8/ 7 central." Thankfully I had the video camera rolling to capture that classic moment! [sidenote--he really does NOT watch that much TV]

-My sister has taken Derick hiking a few times which he really seems to love. After returning from his hike up to the top of Squaw Peak (which can be a pretty intense climb, over an hour and half each way for them to hike), Derick tells me, "Next we are gonna hike Camelback, then the Grand Canyon!

I do have to report though he is doing so much better with his sister. He has really grown to love her and is sometimes just a little too affectionate. I spend half my day telling him to give her some space, to back off, be gentle, etc. We try our best to maintain her wellbeing while not discouraging him too much from showing his love. I think the days of him being an only child are beginning to fade in his mind and he seems to be forgetting what life is like without her. Yet I know we both look forward to spending some mommy/son time together at the waterpark this summer.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Our Loves in Life

We have continued to adjust as a family of four. I am so thankful for all the blessings we have...especially for our family. We are in an amazing season of blessings and are joyful for each day we are given as we journey through the challenges and treasures of our children.

One of Derick's favorite things to do (aside from Chuck E Cheese) is to take pictures and videos with my cell fone. He loves to take some of Zoe and also of himself. Many family members receive videos of him telling him how much he loves them. It is usually very close up...often of his nose or one eye (as his arms aren't very long to get full face shots) and him saying how he "Loves you all the way up to the stars...not the mountains, as the stars are higher than the mountains." It is so sweet. He often asks me if I love him all the way up to the moon or the starts...always wanting to hear its to the stars since they too are higher than the moon.

Yesterday in the morning I advised him we would be going to Wal-Mart. He was so excited and can hardly contain himself as he loves the motorcycle video game in the fun center (as after Chuck E Cheese is probably his 2nd favorite thing in life). I advised him it would be after breakfast and after Zoe woke up from her nap. She was sleeping in the pack n play setup downstairs and he and I were upstairs. I told him we needed to get off he ran to get himself dressed. I was still getting ready about 10 min later when I hear..."Mom she woke up." Knowing it was highly unlikely she had woken herself up so soon, I went downstairs to check out the situation. On my way down I asked Derick if he woke her up and he said..."No..she is still sleeping." Yet I could hear the crying that would counter his statement. I peeked in and could see her blanket pulled off her...something she is not capable of it was obvious who the culprit was. She continued screaming for quite sometime even after picking her know where the face turns nearly purple as she holds out for air, then belts it out like the world is going to end. I tried to calmly point out to Derick that she has not been feeling well and really needs her rest. I also explained that it would now take us longer to get to Wal-Mart. Awhile later as he sat eating his breakfast, he told me that he would not play his Pac-Man game (probably his 3rd love in life) because he had woken up Zoe. He did kept saying sorry to her as she was crying and I could tell he really did feel bad about it.

Wow...the last couple weeks with Derick were challenging for me. Derick finally started verbalizing his jealousy over his sister and it was heartbreaking to hear. He would tell me not to hold Zoe and just leave her there to cry. He would stand in my way...arms stretched as wide as he could and say "You can't get her...I am blocking you." One day after stepping around him to pick her up, he waited til I turned around then stood on my foot. He stayed there bouncing up and down after several requests that he move, so I advised him one last time to please move or he would get a spank. He refused so I carried through with his little spank and asked him to go to his room until he could be nice. After his initial burst of tears and catching his breath through his cries, he said to me..."You tell me to be nice, but you are not being nice to me!" was I to respond to that one? My 3 year old is putting all this together and turning it back at me!

Thankfully my sweet Derick returned the last couple of days. He has been so thoughtful and kind...the boy I have known until his alter ego showed up these past couple back...I hope to stay!

Zoe started smiling a couple weeks ago. It just melts our hearts. She has been a pretty easy going baby and really is pretty mellow just taking in the world around her. In the last few days she seems to have an appreciation for her brother. Instead of being jumpy when he shows his face in fear of being clobbered or slimed with kisses, her face lights up and she smiles. So now he is on a mission to always make her smile. She even coos a little when he sings her Rock a Bye Baby.

I am truly thankful to God that she seems to be a much better sleeper than Derick ever was. She is already sleeping through the night most of the time...a good 6-7 hours, wakes up to eat, then back to sleep for another couple hours. Praise God for I don't know how I would function. That first 6 weeks was rough...waking up every 2-3 hours then trying to get through the day without a Derick dropped his naps a year ago. When praying for her during my pregnancy, I specifically and adamently requested she be a good Derick never was until he was nearly 3yrs and still has issues. So I am very thankful for that answered prayer. She did have her first cold this past week...quite congested and mild had a few rough nights, but seems to be back on track now...just in time for our trip to Kingman today...headed up so she can meet her great grandparents for the first time :)
So I close with the thought as displayed on our family collage above...The love of a Family is life's greatest blessing. What truth that is and I am forever thankful.

Rationale or Justification?

I have every intention of adding more to this on a weekly least...yet time seems to slip away before me. My days are filled with so many things like running to and from preschool, meals, diaper changes, baby feedings....sometimes I wonder where does the day go? And I don't feel I have much to show for it to the eyes of outsiders...for sure not a clean house or any spectacular accomplishments...but I do have two growing children that seem to display love and happiness...that is enough satisfaction for me. A new appreciation came to me in my church mom's group newsletter this month. I think I have read it some time ago, yet have a new appreciation for it at this stage in my life.

If I live in a house of spotless beauty with everything in its palce, but have not love, I am a housekeeper-- not a homemaker. If I have time for waxing, polishing, and decorative achievements, but have not love, my childre learn cleanliness--not godliness.
Love leaves the dust in search of a child's laugh.
Love smiles at the tiny fingerprints on a newly cleaned window.
Love wipes away the tears before it wipes up the spilled milk.
Love picks up the child before it picks up the toys.
Love is present through the trials.
Love reprimands, reproves, and is responsive.
Love is the key that opens salvation's message to a child's heart.
Love crawls with the baby, walks with the toddler, runs with the child, then stands aside to let the youth walk into adulthood.

Before I became a mother I took glory in my house of perfection. Now I glory in God's perfection of my child. As a mother, there is much I must teach my child, but the greatest of all is love.
-Author Unknown

So I like to think of this as my rationale for my less than spotless house rather than my justification for it :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Multi-tasking and The Growler

Yesterday as we were preparing to sit down for dinner, I made the usual request for Derick to go and wash his hands as it was almost time to sit down. As I am serving the plates I hear him talking to himself in the bathroom. As I listen closer to what is being said, I hear that he is saying his prayers as he is washing his hands. It was so cute that I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I know it has been hard for him lately to wait patiently while his food is in front of him. He sits and eats and tells me that he just can't stop eating...not even for a minute to pray. Well I guess he found a way to solve the problem multi-task and take care of two things at once :) I was just greatful he was prompting himself of what needed to be done, but will eventually turn it back into a family affair at the table.
We had a hard time picking Zoe's middle name. We had considered several different options and it was up until the time we were filling out her birth certificate prior to leaving the hospital that the decision was made. I am sure I have mentioned before that Derick wanted to name her Zoe Kicker Ruiz. As far as he was concerned that was all she did in utero...well at least all he could feel. However, now that is out of the womb, it seems a more fitting middle name for her would have been "The Growler". She is quite a noisy and growly baby. I thought Derick was loud with all his farm noises and squeaks, but he didn't hold a candle compared to this little girl. You would think she was a ravenous bear fighting for the last piece of meat as she nurses. She makes such loud noises and heaven forbid she has to be covered...she thrashes her head around and cranks up the volume several notches. At home I find it quite entertaining, yet as we are venturing out more and more in public for extended periods of time and I have to nurse can become quite un-nerving. Well hopefully we will both get more comfortable with it.
Hmmm... last shared piece of info for the day. Derick has mentioned a couple times about having another baby. He thinks he is ready for another baby...specifically requesting that it be a baby brother. In fact last week he reminded me to "pray for the little boy who lost his baby" then followed up with a prayer for himself to have a baby brother...and we could save the name Kicker for him. Then tonight at dinner he said that when we go to Chuck E Cheese (something he talks about at least 30 times a day) that I would have to hold one baby and Daddy would have to hold the other baby. So again I say...Hmmm.... only God knows what he has in store for our future :) I do miss my sleep, but am treasuring this time with our sweet since don't know what is in store for us...keep reminding myself that sleep deprivation is only a temporary state.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our first 2 weeks as a family of 4

Well we have survived and actually enjoyed our first 2 weeks as a family of four. It was a little hectic coming home from the hospital and having a whirlwind of visitors. We then enjoyed a few days to ourselves trying to get settled in. Derick had a rough few days then has gotten better, though many days now just have rough patches mixed with the good.

I think I have cried twice for him having a hard time adjusting. The first afternoon we were home I was in Zoe's room nursing and he spotted a toy up in her closet that he wanted. I explained to him I would be happy to get it for him but he needed to wait patiently a few minutes til sister was done. A moment later he returned with his stepstool and determination to get the toy himself. I again asked him to wait just a few minutes. He looked at me with tears welled up in his eyes and said, "You are too busy doing that. (Pointing at me nursing) I will do it myself." The fact he wasn't fussing, but just more hurt... broke my heart. Thankfully with his stool he could reach what he wanted. He left the room feeling proud of himself for accomplishing his task all on his own.

Then yesterday I offered to take him to the park. He was so excited and ran to get his shoes. He sat on the stairs and asked if he was putting them on the right feet. Again as I was nursing I asked him to bring them down and I would check it out. He lost it and it turned into a 10 minute tantrum so I cancelled the park. He ran to his room and closed the door. Still attached to the baby, I went in and sat on his bed. I asked what was wrong and he just stared at us and said "I don't know." I could tell in his eyes that he was having a hard time sharing me, but didn't want to say anything bad. I teared up, hugged him and talked to him about how he was doing such a great job being a big brother and how we have to share our time.

Overall though he is doing great job. We are trying to encourage showing his love but being careful not to smother and squish her too much. I am understanding why 2nd children get to be so tough at an early age :) My mom spent the last five days with us and was a big help entertaining Derick. I appreciated having time to bond with Zoe while knowing Derick was being loved and played with as well. She left yesterday morning. Ricky returned to work yesterday as well. So we had our first day just me and the two kiddos...and we survived :)

Zoe is doing well. I think many babies are really good babies their first two weeks, as they just sleep all the I don't want to jinx anything as we are just crossing that timeline. She was jaundiced but seems to be getting better although at times her eyes still look a little yellowish. She also has a little congestion and cold. I know she got it at the dr. office from her first well visit. So frustrating to see all the parents that think they are above sitting in the sick room, rather they sit in the well visit room and let their kids cough all over!! Thanks alot people.

She is so precious and we adore her. She is having more alert moments and it's fun to watch her check things out. Maybe it's having been through this once already, maybe it's that she has been so long awaited, or maybe both...but I find myself more relaxed and patient with her...even in her crying moments. At night when she has a hard time settling in I find myself wanting to hold her knowing this is such a short time of her being so little and not knowing what God has in store for us...whether or not we will experience it again with another baby. So while Ricky has opted to let her settle herself, yet I often find myself holding her..cherishing the moments...hoping and praying that the sleep I get will be enough to sustain me through the day with a good attitude and patience. I thank heaven for this treasure and for all my precious family.

My friend Sarah the photographer has been over 3 times taking pictures. Hopefully will get some from her in the next couple weeks and have some more to post including some of us as a family.
